Sub Validate_onclick() correctname="true" correctmail="true" correctcomment="true" correctTel="true" ConfirmEmail="true" 'Store mail address,name and comments into variables mail=instr(1,FrontPage_Form1.Email.value,"@") nam=FrontPage_Form1.Name.value comment=FrontPage_Form1.comments.value tel=FrontPage_Form1.Telephone.value Email1=FrontPage_Form1.Email.value Email2=FrontPage_Form1.EmailConfirm.value DLfile = cbotext 'validate variables if mail=0 or len(FrontPage_Form1.Email.value)<3 then correctmail="false" if nam="" then correctname="false" if len(tel)<6 then correctTel="false" if (Email1<>Email2) and (Email1<>"") then ConfirmEmail="false" 'invalid fields??-action? statement="" if correctmail="true" and correctname="true" and correctcomment="true" and correctTel="true" and confirmEmail="true" then call Frontpage_Form1.submit alert "Thank you for your information" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "You will now be returned to the 'Feedback / Download' Page" if FrontPage_form1.DownloadFile.value<>"NONE" then but2.disabled="false" end if exit sub else end if if correctname="false" then statement=statement & "You have left the 'Your Name' field blank." & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) if correctTel="false" then statement=statement & "Your Telephone number appears incorrect" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) if correctmail="false" then statement=statement & "Your Email address appears incorrect" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) if ConfirmEmail="false" then statement=statement & "Please check your Email entries - The entries do not match" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) if correctcomment="false" then statement=statement & "You have left the 'Comments/Message' field blank." & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) 'statement=statement ' & "

" msgbox "There are errors in the data - please check & re-Submit" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & statement 'document.write statement end sub